Wellness Visits
Routine wellness visits are the cornerstone of pet health. Dogs and cats age faster than people, so health changes can occur rapidly. For this reason, we recommend adult pets visit us once a year and senior pets twice a year for appropriate wellness services. During each wellness visit, our veterinarians perform a head-to-tail physical exam and conduct diagnostic screening tests to monitor your pet’s internal body functions. Routine visits are also an excellent time to ask any questions you may have about your pet’s health or behavior.
Vaccinations provide pets with immunity against infectious diseases that are common in our community. We customize vaccination protocols based on each pet’s lifestyle and age to ensure they are protected from the most prominent threats. We follow the latest professional guidelines regarding core and non-core vaccinations in dogs and cats based on the most up-to-date scientific research.
Dental Care
Dental disease, which affects up to 80% of pets by age 3, is one of the most common health issues in dogs and cats. Left untreated, dental disease can lead to complications and chronic pain, reducing your furry pal’s quality of life. The Advanced Veterinary Medical Center team recommends annual anesthetized dental cleanings, which allow for thorough oral exams and removal of the plaque, tartar, and bacteria that cause disease.
Parasite Prevention
Fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites significantly threaten pet health year-round. More than a simple nuisance, parasites can damage tissues and organs, cause allergic reactions, and transmit life-threatening diseases. Our veterinarians can recommend a tailored prevention plan for your pet that includes routine screenings and convenient, affordable medications for complete protection from parasitic health threats.